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The Soul Quest Program 

Client Testimonials

Testimonial from Ahñia submitted on 5.31.2023.


What service, program or package did you experience with Infiniti?

The Soul Quest Program


Would you recommend this service/program/package to others?



When future GROUP experiences are offered by Infiniti, how likely are you to join?

Extremely Likely


Please describe the situation you were in, and challenges you were having that led you to work with Infiniti.


This was a new program she was offering and just felt like it was right for me.


What stands out about your experience? Write as much as you would like to share with others.


The Soul Quest Program is so grand it is truly magical!


If I had to summarize it I would say it sneaks right up on you! It is so expansive in ways you can't even imagine.


Things you didn't even know where a thing just popping up out of nowhere.


I had so many revelations and breakthroughs in such a short period of time.


It is indeed a perfectly created program for those ready to unveil their true selves.


I am so grateful I was part of this!


If this was a GROUP experience, how do you feel about being a member of the group, and how do you feel about the group?


Did you feel welcomed? Did you feel supported? Did you feel loved?


Please share any thoughts on this group experience.


Yes, very welcomed!

Yes, very supported.

Most absolutely.


What would you tell a friend about working with Infiniti?


If you are ready to grow and expand NOW, then she's the girl for you!


What do you feel others would like about working with Infiniti?


Her honesty and straight to the point attitude.


Describe how your situation is different as a result of your work with Infiniti. Think about what changed for the better.


Everything! Major breakthroughs related to fears and limitations.


Infiniti describes herself as "The Real Deal," would you agree and describe her that way as well? What other ways would you describe Infiniti to someone who knows nothing about her?


Yes, she's the real deal! She is super in - tuned and magical in all the ways. You need to experience it to just know.


Did you, have you, or will you refer your friends and family to Infiniti?


I have (many times) and will continue to do so when I feel called to.


Do you intend to work with Infiniti in the future? If yes, please describe your intentions.


Yes. I know I still have a lot of learning to do. I will be back!

Testimonial from Lieonessa

 submitted on 6.8.2023.


What service, program or package did you experience with Infiniti?

The Soul Quest Program


Would you recommend this service/program/package to others?



When future GROUP experiences are offered by Infiniti, how likely are you to join?

Extremely Likely


Please describe the situation you were in, and challenges you were having that led you to work with Infiniti.


I quit my job 2 months before and experienced an intense energetic disbalance.


What stands out about your experience? Write as much as you would like to share with others.


The Soul Quest Program helped me to understand much better how all our different bodies are interconnected-it helped me to be very specific about my desires and needs-it helped me to connect with my soul on a very deep level like never before (I could hear my soul actually talking to me).


It allowed for a very deep connection to grow with the program members through opening up and being vulnerable-Infiniti created a safe space for opening up and sharing by being open and flexible herself to the group dynamic and what she sensed was needed to provide that kind of safe space.


Infiniti took the time to coach each one of us during our group meetings, which was so extremely helpful and empowering.


If this was a GROUP experience, how do you feel about being a member of the group, and how do you feel about the group?


Did you feel welcomed? Did you feel supported? Did you feel loved?


Please share any thoughts on this group experience.


Yes, I felt very welcomed, supported and loved; it was such an enriching experiencing to grow and evolve together as a group and to witness individual breakthroughs and to encourage each other.


What would you tell a friend about working with Infiniti?


She's the real deal, it is really about your well-being and personal development, she does the necessary inner work herself to be the best version of herself in order to guide & challenge you in a way that is aligned with your best interest.


What do you feel others would like about working with Infiniti?


If you really want to work on yourself in an efficient and effective way and therefore see tangible results, you will love to work with Infiniti


Describe how your situation is different as a result of your work with Infiniti. Think about what changed for the better.


I am more empowered about pursuing my new path in life-I feel more at peace about my needs and desires, as well as about my shadow side-I feel so much more confident about my spirit name.


Infiniti describes herself as "The Real Deal," would you agree and describe her that way as well? What other ways would you describe Infiniti to someone who knows nothing about her?


I definitely agree with that!


She walks the talk and is such an inspiration when it comes to embodying the balance between the inner Divine Feminine & Divine Masculine.


She has so many psychic gifts that really are a game changer in her coaching and guidance.


Did you, have you, or will you refer your friends and family to Infiniti?


Yes, definitely.


Do you intend to work with Infiniti in the future? If yes, please describe your intentions.


I'm soo very much looking forward to starting the master's program.

Testimonial from Aurora 

submitted on 6.28.2023.


What service, program or package did you experience with Infiniti?

The Soul Quest Program


Would you recommend this service/program/package to others?



When future GROUP experiences are offered by Infiniti, how likely are you to join?

Extremely Likely


Please describe the situation you were in, and challenges you were having that led you to work with Infiniti.




What stands out about your experience? Write as much as you would like to share with others.


Over the years, I've had glimpses of and brief encounters of connecting with my Soul. This program really pulled all the pieces together for a lasting wholeness.


If this was a GROUP experience, how do you feel about being a member of the group, and how do you feel about the group?


Did you feel welcomed? Did you feel supported? Did you feel loved?


Please share any thoughts on this group experience.


Joining a group is usually not my thing, but this group of wonderful, inspiring women was amazing. I felt totally supported and comfortable sharing some of my innermost thoughts and experiences with them.


What would you tell a friend about working with Infiniti?


Anyone who is a Soul Searcher will blossom working with Infiniti. She is patient and kind and loving, with just the right amount of no nonsense when needed.


What do you feel others would like about working with Infiniti?


Infiniti's connection to The Divine and All Beings of The Universe translates so much through her work. Oracle Cards and Spirit Walks especially. Be prepared for multidimensional and timeline change!


Describe how your situation is different as a result of your work with Infiniti. Think about what changed for the better.


The Soul Quest Program has allowed me to combine all the work and progress I've made over the years to accept, heal and love myself.


Infiniti describes herself as "The Real Deal," would you agree and describe her that way as well? What other ways would you describe Infiniti to someone who knows nothing about her?


Infiniti is most certainly the Real Deal.


Did you, have you, or will you refer your friends and family to Infiniti?


I will as guided.


Do you intend to work with Infiniti in the future? If yes, please describe your intentions.


Yes, I look forward to participating in future programs and events.


Please use this space to add any additional comments or messages you would like included in your testimonial.


My recommendation for doing The Soul Quest Program is to go all in. Infiniti will not do the work for you.


She will Divinely guide you... it takes work on your part, and time, and an investment in yourself. You will get out of it what you put into it.


Oh, and follow the order of Maps/Podcasts/Spirit Walks...for sure! May You Journey Well!

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